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Atlas de geomorfología / Eduardo Martínez de Pisón ... [et al.] ; coordinadores, Eduardo Martínez de Pisón y Blanca Tello . Madrid : Alianza, D.L. 1986
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Budel, Julius. Climatic geomorphology / by Julius Budel; translated by Lenore Fischer and Detlef Busche Princeton, (New Jersey) : Princeton University Press, cop. 1982
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Chorley, Richard J.. Geomorphology / Richard J. Chorley, Stanley A. Schumm, David E. Sugden . - 1st ed. London [etc.] : Methuen, 1984
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Coque, Roger. Geomorfología / Roger Coque ; versión española de Julio Muñoz Jiménez e Isabel Pérez-Villanueva Tovar . - [1a. ed., 1a. reimp.] Madrid : Alianza, 1987
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Derbyshire, Edward. Geomorphological processes / E. Derbyshire, K. J. Gregory, J. R. Hails London [etc.] : Butterworths, 1981
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Derruau, Max. Geomorfología / por Max Derruau ; prólogo de Luis Solé Sabarís ; [versión castellana de Luis Solé Sugranyes] . - [3a. ed.] Barcelona : Ariel, 1981
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Garner, H. F.. The origin of landscapes : a synthesis of geomorphology / H. F. Garner ; with drawings by Mary Craig Garner New York [etc.] : Oxford University Press, cop. 1974
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Geomorphology and climate / edited by Edward Derbyshire London [etc.] : John Wiley & Sons, cop. 1976
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Gerrard, A. J.. Rocks and landforms / A. J. Gerrard London : Unwin Hyman, 1988
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Gutiérrez Elorza, Mateo. Geomorfología / Mateo Gutiérrez Elorza Madrid [etc.] : Pearson Educación, 2008
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Gutiérrez Elorza, Mateo. Geomorfología / Mateo Gutiérrez Elorza Madrid [etc.] : Pearson Educación, 2008
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Gutiérrez Elorza, Mateo. Geomorfología climática / Mateo Gutiérrez Elorza Barcelona : Omega, 2001
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Huggett, Richard John. Fundamentals of geomorphology / Richard John Huggett London : Routledge, 2003
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KNIGHTON, D. Fluvial forms and processes. [s. l.]: Edward Arnold, 1987. ISBN 0713164050.
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Landforms and geomorphology : concepts and history / edited by Cuchlaine A. M. King Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania : Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, cop. 1976
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Manual of detailed geomorphological mapping / Editor: Jaromír Demek Prague : Academia, 1972
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Martínez de Pisón, Eduardo. El relieve de la Tierra / Eduardo Martínez de Pisón Madrid : Aula Abierta Salvat, 1982
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Muñoz Jiménez, Julio. Geomorfología general / Julio Muñoz Jiménez . - 2a. reimp. Madrid : Síntesis, D.L. 1995
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Ollero Ojeda, Alfredo. Hidrogeomorfología y geodiversidad : el patrimonio fluvial / Alfredo Ollero Ojeda . Zaragoza : Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, Centro de Documentación del Agua y el Medio Ambiente, 2017
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Panizza, Mario. Geomorfologia applicata : metodo di applicazione alla pianificazione territoriale e alla valutazione d'impatto ambientale / Mario Panizza . - 1. ed. Roma : La Nuova Italia Scientifica, 1988
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Pedraza Gilsanz, Javier de. Geomorfología : principios, métodos y aplicaciones / Javier de Pedraza Gilsanz ; colaboradores Rosa María Carrasco González ... [et al.] Alcorcón, Madrid : Rueda, D.L. 1996
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Process in geomorphology / edited by Clifford Embleton and John Thornes . - [1st publ.] London : Edward Arnold, cop. 1979
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Rice, Roger John. Fundamentos de geomorfología / R. J. Rice ; [traducido por Guillermo Meléndez Hevia, María Pilar Villar Saldaña ; revisado por Mateo Gutierrez Elorza] Madrid : Paraninfo, 1983
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Selby, M. J.. Hillslope materials and processes / M. J. Selby . - 2ª ed Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1993
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Selby, M.J.. Earth's changing surface : an introduction to geomorphology / M.J. Selby Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1985
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Summerfield, Michael A.. Global geomorphology : An introduction to the study of landforms / Michael A. Summerfield . - 1st pub. Harlow : Prentice Hall, 1991 [reimp. 1996]
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The Encyclopedia of geomorphology / edited by Rhodes W. Fairbridge New York : Reinhold Book Corporation, cop. 1968
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Thornes, J. B.. Geomorphology and time / J. B. Thornes and D. Brundsden [London] : Methuen, 1977
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Tricart, Jean. Géomorphologie applicable / par Jean Tricart Paris [etc.] : Masson, 1978
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Tricart, Jean. Précis de géomorphologie. Tome I, Géomorphologie structurale / Jean Tricart Paris : Société D'Édition Supérieur, 1968
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Tricart, Jean. Précis de géomorphologie. Tome II, Géomorphologie dynamique générale / Jean Tricart Paris : Société D'Édition Supérieur, cop. 1977
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Tricart, Jean. Précis de géomorphologie. Tome III, Géomorphologie climatique / Jean Tricart Paris : SEDES, cop. 1981
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Tricart, Jean. Principes et methodes de la géomorphologie / Jean Tricart Paris : Masson, 1965
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Tricart, Jean. Traité de géomorphologie. Tome 1, Introduction a la géomorphologie climatique / par J. Tricart et A. Cailleux Paris : Société d'Édition d'Enseignement Supérieur, 196
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Twidale, C. R.. Structural landforms : landforms associated with granitic rocks, faults, and folded strata / C. R. Twidale Cambridge [etc.]: Mit Press, cop. 1971
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Twidale, Charles Rowland. Analysis of landforms / C.R. Twidale Sydney [etc.] : John Wiley & Sons Australasia, cop. 197
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VIERS, G. Geomorfología. 1a. ed. en lengua castellana. [s. l.]: Oikos-Tau, 1974. ISBN 8428102503.
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Young, Anthony. Slopes / Anthony Young ; edited by K.M. Clayton . - [1st ed.] Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd, 1972