![Enlace al libro en Alcorze](img/roble3.jpg) |
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Algeo, John. The origins and development of the english language / John Algeo, based on the original work of Thomas Pyles . - 6th ed. Boston [etc.] : Hwadsworth, cop. 2010
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Baugh, Albert C. A History of the English Language / Albert C. Baugh, Thomas Cable . - 4th. ed., repr. London : Routledge, 1994
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Freeborn, Dennis. From Old English to Standard English : a course book in language variations across time / Dennis Freeborn . - 2nd ed. Basingstoke : Macmillan, cop. 1998
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A History of the English Language / edited by Richard Hogg and David Denison . First published, 2006, 4th printing edition 2008 Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013
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Nevalainen, Terttu. Historical Sociolinguistics : Language Change in Tudor and Stuart England / Terttu Nevalainen, Helena Raumolin-Brunberg London [etc.] : Longman, 2005
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The Cambridge history of the English language / edited by Richard Hogg . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1994 [Vol I: The beginnings to 1606]
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The Cambridge History of the English Language / general editor Richard M. Hogg. Vol. 2, 1066-1476 / edited by Norman Blake . - 1st ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992
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The Oxford History of English / Edited by Lynda Mugglestone . Updated Edition Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2012]