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Kibble, T. W. B.. Classical mechanics / Tom W. B. Kibble, Frank H. Berkshire . - 5th ed. London : Imperial College Press, 2005
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Kibble, T. W. B.. Mecanica clásica / T. W. B. Kibble ; traducido por A. Madroñero de la Cal . - [1a ed. en español, reimp.] Bilbao : Urmo, 1974
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Main, Iain G.. Vibrations and waves in physics / Iain G. Main . 3rd ed., reprint. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1994
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Rañada, Antonio. Dinámica clásica / Antonio Rañada Madrid : Alianza, D.L.1990
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Taylor, John Robert. Mecánica clásica / John R. Taylor ; versión española traducida por Jesús Ildefonso Díaz con la colaboración de Alberto Casal Grau . Barcelona, [etc.] : Reverté, 2013
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Thornton, Stephen T.. Classical dynamics of particles and systems / Stephen T. Thornton, Jerry B. Marion . 5th ed., international student ed. Boston : Brooks/Cole, cop. 2008