BB Lightweight magnesium technology 2001-2005 : PT-131 / edited by Thomas Ruden . Warrendale : Society of Automotive Engineers, 2006
BB MIRAVETE DE MARCO, A.; LARRODÉ PELLICER, E.; CASTEJÓN HERRER, L. Materiales compuestos. Tomo I. [s. l.]: Los autores, 2000. ISBN 8492134976.
BB MIRAVETE DE MARCO, A.; LARRODÉ PELLICER, E.; CASTEJÓN HERRER, L. Materiales compuestos. Tomo II. [s. l.]: Los autores, 2000. ISBN 8492134976.
BC Development in Lightweight Aluminium Alloys for Automotive Applications / Edited by James M. Boileau. SAE International, 2001-05
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