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Faber, Kurt. Biotransformations in organic chemistry: a textbook. 2004 [Ya está publicada la 7th ed.]
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HECHT, S. M. Bioorganic chemistry : carbohydrates. [s. l.]: Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN 0195084691.
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HECHT, S. M. Bioorganic chemistry : nucleic acids. [s. l.]: Oxford University Press, 1996. ISBN 0195084675.
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HECHT, S. M. Bioorganic chemistry : peptides and proteins. [s. l.]: Oxford University Press, 1998. ISBN 0195084683.
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Chemoselective and bioorthogonal ligation reactions : Concepts and applications [2 vol.]. [s. l.]: Wiley-VCH, 2017. ISBN 9783527334360.
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Cycloadditions in Bioorthogonal Chemistry. 1st ed. [s. l.]: Springer, 2016. ISBN 9783319806266.
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DUGAS, H. Bioorganic chemistry : a chemical approach to enzyme action. 3rd ed., 1st soft cover print. [s. l.]: Springer, 1999. ISBN 9780387989105.
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MERINO, P. Chemical synthesis of nucleoside analogues. [s. l.]: Wiley, 2013. ISBN 9781118007518. [Ver online en Proquest Ebook Central]
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Vranken, D. van; Weiss, G. . Introduction to Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Garland Science, Taylor& Francis Group, 2013