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[Business Correspondence] - Ashley, A.. Oxford Correspondence Workbook / A. Ashley . New ed. 2014 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014
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[Business Correspondence] - Ashley, A.. Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence / A. Ashley . [New ed. 2014] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014
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Capel, Annette. Cambridge English Objective First. Student's book with answers [with CD-ROM] / Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp. 4th ed., 5th print. [Cambridge] : Cambridge University Press, 2016
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[Grammars] - Duckworth, Michael. Business grammar & practice / Michael Duckworth . New ed. Oxford : Oxford University press, 2014
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[Grammars] - Murphy, Raymond. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English : with answers / Raymond Murphy . 3rd ed., 17th printing Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, cop. 2004 (imp. 2011)
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[Business English Certificates] - Cambridge BEC Vantage : Practice Tests from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate . 1st. publ, repr. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003
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[Business Negotiations] - Lafond, Charles. English for negotiating / Charles Lafond, Sheila Vine, Birgit Welch . [1st ed., 3rd repr.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014
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[Business Negotiations] - Powell, Mark. International negotiations. [Student's Book] / Mark Powell . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012
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[Dictionaries] - Alcaraz Varó, Enrique. Diccionario de términos económicos, financieros y comerciales : inglés-español = spanish-english / Enrique Alcaraz Varó y Brian Hughes . 4ª ed. aum. y act. Barcelona : Ariel, 2004
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[Dictionaries] - Oxford Dictionary of Business English : for learners of English / edited by Allene Tuck ; phonetics editor: Michael Ashby . 1st ed., 11th impr. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002
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[Dictionaries] Longman Business English Dictionary. 2nd ed., 2nd impr. [s. l.]: Pearson Education, 2007. ISBN 9781405852593.
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[English courses for Economics] - Roberts, Mark. English for economics in higher education studies. Course Book / Mark Roberts . Reading (UK) : Garnet, 2012
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NICKERSON, C.; PLANKEN, B. Introducing business English. 1st published. [s. l.]: Routledge, 2016. ISBN 9781138016279.
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[Vocabulary for Business] - Bethell, George. Test your Business Vocabulary in Use / Tricia Aspinall and George Bethell . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003
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[Vocabulary for Business] - Mascull, Bill : Business vocabulary in use : advanced / Bill Mascull . - 3rd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017