Universidad de Zaragoza

  v. 0.1
Inglés académico I
Graduado en Estudios Ingleses
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Zaragoza

Curso: 2
Carácter: Formación básica
Bibliografía validada el: 11/07/2024

LISTADO DE LA BIBLIOGRAFIA: [BB-Bibliografía Básica / BC-Bibliografía Complementaria]

Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Bailey, Stephen. Academic writing : a handbook for international students / Stephen Bailey . Fifth Edition London ; New York : Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB McCormack, Joan. Extended writing & research skills : Course Book / Joan McCormark and John Slaght. New ed. Reading, GB : International Study and Language Centre, University of Reading : Garnet Publishing, 2012
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Bell, Douglas. Passport to Academic Presentations. Student's Book / Douglas Bell . 1st ed. Reading, UK : Garnet, 2008
No en los fondos de la BUZ BC Campbell, Colin. English for academic study : Vocabulary. Study Book / Colin Campbell . 1st. ed., fully rev. Reading : Garnet Publishing, 2009
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC EAP now! : English for Academic Purposes. Student's Book / Kathy Cox ; David Hill . 2. ed. Australia : Pearson Longman, cop. 2011
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Gillett, Andy. Successful Academic Writing / Andy Gillett, Angela Hammond and Mary Martala . Harlow, etc. : Longman, 2009
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Godfrey, Jeanne. How to Use Your Reading in Your Essays / Jeanne Godfrey . - 1st. ed. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC GREETHAM, B. How to write better essays. 2nd ed. [s. l.]: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008. ISBN 9780230224803.
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Manning, Anthony. English for Language and Linguistic in Higher Education Studies. Course Book / Anthony Manning ; series editor Terry Phillips . 1st. ed. Reading : Garnet, 2008
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Manning, Anthony. Transferable academic skills kit. Module 11, Presentations: Course Book / Anthony Manning and Elisabeth Wilding with Jane Brooks . 1st ed Reading, UK : University of Reading, 2007
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC McCarthy, Michael. Academic vocabulary in use : 50 units of academic vocabulary reference and practice : self-study and classroom use / Michael McCarthy , Felicity O'Dell . 1st publ., repr. Cambridge, etc. : Cambridge University Press, 2009
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC McCormack, Joan. Speaking : Course Book / Joan McCormark and Sebastian Watkins. First edition 2012, reprinted 2017 Reading, GB : International Study and Language Centre, University of Reading : Garnet Publishing, 2017
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Reinhart, Susan M.. Giving academic presentations / Susan M. Reinhart Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2002
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Salehzadeh, J.. Academic listening strategies : A guide to understanding lectures / J. Salehzadeh Ann Arbor, MI : The University of Michigan Press, 2006
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Slaght, John. English for academic study : reading. Course Book / John Slaght and Paddy Harben . 2nd. ed., fully rev. Reading : Garnet Publishing, 2009
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Swales, John M.. Academic writing for graduate students : essential tasks and skills : a course for nonnative speakers of english / John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak . - [reimp.] Michigan : University of Michigan Press, 2001
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Teaching academic writing : A toolkit for higher education / Caroline Coffin ... [et al.] . - 1st. publ. London and New York : Routledge, 2003

Herrando Rodrigo, María Isabel 1
Luzón Marco, María José 1

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