Universidad de Zaragoza

  v. 0.1
Inglés académico II
Graduado en Estudios Ingleses
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Zaragoza

Curso: 3
Carácter: Obligatorio

LISTADO DE LA BIBLIOGRAFIA: [BB-Bibliografía Básica / BC-Bibliografía Complementaria]

No en los fondos de la BUZ BB Cottrell . Critical thinking skills / Cottrell . Palgrave : 2011
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB GREETHAM, B. 1946. How to write your undergraduate dissertation. London: Red Globe Press, 2019. ISBN 978-1-352-00523-3.
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Hewings, Martin. Cambridge academic english : an integrated skills course for EAP [English for Academic Purposes]. Student's book. Advanced / Martin Hewings and Craig Thaine ; course consultant: Michael Mccarthy . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Machi, Lawrence A.. The Literature review : six steps to success / Lawrence A. Machi, Brenda T. McEvoy . - 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks : Corwin Press, cop. 2012
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Manning, Anthony. English for Language and Linguistic in Higher Education Studies. Course Book / Anthony Manning ; series editor Terry Phillips . - 1st ed. Reading : Garnet, 2008
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Reinders, Hayo,|eauthor. Studying in English : strategies for success in higher education / Hayo Reinders, Marilyn Lewis and Linh Phung . Second edition London : Palgrave Macmillan Education, 2017
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Swales, John. Telling a research story : writing a literature review. Vol. 2. English in today's research world / John M. Swales, Christine B. Feak Ann Arbor, Michigan : The University of Michigan Press, 2009
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Argent, Sue. Access EAP : Frameworks, Course Book / Sue Argent, Olwyn Alexander . Berkshire : Garnet, 2014
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Brandt, Caroline. Read, research and write : academic skills for EAL students in higher education / Caroline Brandt . London : SAGE, 2009
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Chazal, Edward de. Oxford EAP : a course in English for academic purposes : upper-intermediate B2 / Edward de Chazal, Sam McCarter . Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012
No en los fondos de la BUZ BC Lewis, M.. Study skills for speakers of english as a second language / M. Lewis and H. Reinders. Basingstoke : Palgrave McMillan, 2003
No en los fondos de la BUZ BC Pears, R. and Shields, G.. Cite Them Right: The Essential Referencing Guide / R. Pears, G. Shields,. Palgrave : 2010
No en los fondos de la BUZ BC Serafini, Frank.. Reading the Visual : an Introduction to Teaching Multimodal Literacy. / Frank Serafini.. New York : Teachers College Press : 2014
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Swales, John M.. Academic writing for graduate students : essential tasks and skills / John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak . 2nd. ed. Michigan : University of Michigan Press, 2009
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BC Wallace, Mike. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates / Mike Wallace and Alison Wray . - 2nd ed. London ; Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2011

Luzón Marco, María José 1
Plo Alastrué, Ramón 1

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