Curso: 4 Carácter: Obligatorio Bibliografía validada el: 04/06/2024 |
BB | Acuicultura / Gilbert Barnabé, coordinador ; Prefacio, Maurice Fontaine ; traducido por Mª Pilar Alvarez Pellitero ... [et al.] . [1a. ed. española], traducción de la 2a. ed. francesa Barcelona : Omega, D.L. 1991 | |
BB | Acuicultura para veterinarios : producción y clínica de peces / editado por Lydia Brown ; traducido por Ignacio de Blas Giral [ et al.] . Zaragoza : Acribia, 2000 | |
BB | Bruno, David W.. A colour atlas of salmonid diseases / David W. Bruno, Patricia A. Noguera, Trygve T. Poppe . 2nd ed. Dordrecht [etc.] : Springer, cop. 2013 | |
BB | BSAVA Manual of exotic pets / editors Anna Meredith and Cathy Johnson-Delaney. 5th ed. Quedgeley, Gloucester, UK : British Small Animal Veterinary Association, cop. 2010 | |
BB | BSAVA manual of psittacine birds / editors Nigel Harcourt -Brown and John Chitty. 2nd ed. Cheltenham : British Small Animal Veterinary Association, cop. 2005 | |
BB | BSAVA manual of raptors, pigeons and passerine birds / editors, John Chitty and Michael Lierz. Quedgeley : British Small Animal Veterinary Association, cop. 2008 | |
BB | BSAVA manual of reptiles / editors, Simon J. Girling and Paul Raiti . 2nd ed Gloucester : British Small Animal Veterinary Association, cop. 2004 | |
BB | BSAVA manual of rodents and ferrets / edited by Emma Keeble and Anna Meredith. 1st. ed., 1st repr. Quedgeley : British Small Animal Veterinary Association, cop. 2011 | |
BB | Código sanitario para los animales acuáticos / OIE. Paris : Oficina Internacional de Epizootias, 2019
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BB | Diseases and pathology of reptiles, vol. 2, Noninfectious diseases and pathology of reptiles : color atlas and text / edited by Michael M. Garner, Elliott R. Jacobson. 1st published Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021 | |
BB | Diseases and pathology of reptiles, vol.1, Infectious diseases and pathology of reptiles : color atlas and text / edited by Michael M. Garner, Elliott R. Jacobson. 2nd ed. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021 | |
BB | Doneley, Bob. Avian medicine and surgery in practice : companion and aviary birds / Bob Doneley . 2nd imp. London : Manson/Veterinary Press, 2011 | |
BB | Eiras, Jorge da Costa. Métodos de estudio y técnicas laboratoriales en parasitología de peces/ Jorge da Costa Eiras, Ricardo Massato Takemoto, Gilberto Cezar Pavanelli . Zaragoza : Acribia, 2002 | |
BB | Fish Parasites : A Handbook of Protocols for their Isolation, Culture and Transmission. [s. l.]: 5M Books, 2021. ISBN 9781789181333.
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BB | Fish pathology / edited by Ronald J. Roberts . 4th ed. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 | |
BB | Fish reproduction / editors, Maria João Rocha, Augustine Arukwe, B.G. Kapoor . Enfield, N.H. : Science Publishers, cop. 2008 | |
BB | GUILLAUME,JEAN. Nutrición y alimentación de peces y crustáceos. [s. l.]: Mundi-Prensa, 2004. ISBN 8484761509. | |
BB | Kinkelin, Pierre de. Tratado de las enfermedades de los peces / por Pierre de Kinkelin, Christian Michel y Pietro Ghittino . [1ªed.] Zaragoza : Acribia, D.L. 1990 | |
BB | La Reproducción de los peces [recurso electrónico] : aspectos básicos y sus aplicaciones en acuicultura / Manuel Adrián Carrillo Estévez (coordinador) . Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas : Fundación Observatorio Español de Acuicultura, D.L. 2009
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BB | Manual de pruebas de diagnóstico para los animales acuáticos /Oficina Internacional de Epizootias
. 5ª ed. Paris : OIE, 2012
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BB | Noga, Edward J.. Fish disease : diagnosis and treatment / Edward J. Noga . 2nd ed. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 | |
BB | O'Malley, Bairbre. Anatomía y fisiología clínica de animales exóticos : estructura y función de mamíferos, aves, reptiles y anfibios / Bairbre O'Malley . 2ª reimp. Zaragoza : Servet, 2009 | |
BB | Peces continentales españoles : inventario y clasificación de zonas fluviales / edición preparada por Ignacio Doadrio, Benigno Elvira, Yasmina Bernat . Madrid Instituto Nacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, 1991
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BB | Reproduction and sexuality in marine fishes : patterns and processes / edited by Kathleen S. Cole . Berkeley [etc.] : University of California Press, cop. 2010 | |
BB | Reptile medicine and surgery / [edited by] Douglas R. Mader . 2nd ed. St. Louis (Missouri) : Saunders Elsevier, cop. 2006 | |
BB | Soderberg, Richard W.. Aquaculture technology : flowing water and static water fish culture / Richard W. Soderberg . Boca Raton : CRC Press, cop. 2017 | |
BB | Stickney, Robert R.. Acuicultura : texto introductorio / Robert R. Stickney ; traducido por Tania Pérez Sánchez en colaboración con Byron Flores Somarriba, supervisado por José Luis Múzquiz Moracho . Zaragoza : Acribia, D. L. 2016 | |
BC | Alabaster, J. S.. Water quality criteria for freshwater fish /J. S. Alabaster, R. Lloyd. Cambridge University Press, 1984 | |
BC | BSAVA Small Animal Formulary. Part B Exotic Pets /Editor Joana Henley. 10 ed. British Small Animal Veterinary Association, 2020
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BC | Lom, J.. Protozoan parasites of fishes : developments in aquaculture and fisheries science / J. Lom, I. Kyková Amsterdam : Elservier, 1994 | |
BC | Nutrient requirements of fish and shrimp. [s. l.]: National Academy Press, 2011. ISBN 9780309163385. | |
BC | POORE, G. C. B.; AHYONG, S. T. Marine Decapod Crustacea : a guide to families and genera of the world. [s. l.]: CSIRO, 2023. ISBN 9781486311781. | |
BC | Systemic pathology of fish : a text and atlas of normal tissues in teleosts and their responses in disease / editec by Hugh W. Ferguson . 2nd ed. London : Scotian Press, 2006 |
Borobia Frías, Marta 1 | |
Castillo Casanova, Laura 1 | |
Ferrández Lafuente, Ramón Francisco 1 | |
Luján Lerma, Lluis 1 | |
Martí Jiménez, José Ignacio 1 | |
Olaciregui Rodríguez, Maite 1 | |
Peribáñez López, Miguel Ángel 1 | |
Ruiz Zarzuela, Imanol 2 | |
Vega García, Antonio de 1 | |
Villanueva Saz, Sergio 1 |