Curso: 4 Carácter: Optativo Bibliografía validada el: 25/06/2021 |
BB | Adams, W. M.. Against extinction :the story of conservation /William M. Adams London : Earthscan Publications, 2004 | |
BB | Animal behavior and wildlife conservation /edited by Marco Festa-Bianchet and Marco Apollonio Washington [etc.] : Island Press, 2003 | |
BB | Animal conservation Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press,1998- [Publicación periódica] | |
BB | Áreas importantes para las aves en España / editado por Carlota Viada ; prefacio de Domingo Jiménez Beltrán ; y prólogo de Eduardo de Juana ; colaboradores especiales, Eduardo de Juana...[et al.] . 2ª ed. rev. y ampl. Madrid : Sociedad española de Ornitología-Birdlife, 1998 | |
BB | Avian medicine :principles and application / [abridged edition edited by Branson W. Ritchie, Greg J. Harrison, Linda R. Harrison]. - Abridged ed./by Donald W. Zantop Lake Worth : Wingers Publishing, cop. 1997
@libro - Disponible en formato electrónico |
BB | Becher, Anne. Biodiversity :a reference handbook /Anne Becher Santa Barbara, California :ABC-CLIO, 1998 | |
BB | Behavioral approaches to conservation in the wild /edited by Janine R. Clemmons and Richard Buchhol Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998 | |
BB | Behavioral ecology New York : International Society for Behavioral Ecology, 1990- [Publicación periódica] | |
BB | Behaviour and conservation / edited by L. Morris Gosling and William J. Sutherland. 1st ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000 | |
BB | Biological Conservation Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1968- [Publicación periódica] | |
BB | BSAVA Manual of wildlife casualties / editors, Elizabeth Mullineaux, Dick Best and John E. Cooper. Quedgeley, Gloucester, UK : British Small Animal Veterinary Association, cop. 2003 | |
BB | Conceptos de genética / William S. Klug... [et al.] ; revisión técnica, Lluís F. Pascual Calahorra . 10ª ed. Madrid : Pearson Educación, D.L. 2013 | |
BB | Conservation genetics : case histories from nature / edited by John C. Avise, James L. Hamrick . New York [etc.] : Chapman & Hall, cop. 1996 | |
BB | Conservation medicine, ecological health in practice /Aguirre, A. A.[et al.]. Oxford: Oxford University Press,2002 | |
BB | Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. Cms/Mt-Afr.1/Inf. 8 (Rev. 1) Agenda Items 5, 7, 8. Unep and Cms | |
BB | Cooper, J.E. Veterinary aspects of captive birds of prey: with 1985 supplement /by J.E. Cooprey ; line drawings by the late Leslie Brawn. - 2nd. ed., repr.] Cherington : The Standfast press, 1987 | |
BB | Crowson, R. A.. Classification and biology / R. A. Crowson London : Heinemann Educational Books, 1970 | |
BB | Cuidar la tierra : estrategia para el futuro de la tierra / Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza. Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente. Gland, Suiza : Union Mundial para la Naturaleza : Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente :Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza,2004 | |
BB | Ecology of infectious diseases in natural populations / edited by B.T. Grenfell, A.P. Dobson. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, cop. 1995 | |
BB | Enciclopedia de la fauna mundial. Animales en peligro Barcelona : Salvat, D.L. 1997 | |
BB | Enfermedades infecciosas de los mamíferos salvajes / editado por John W. Davis, Lars H. Karstad, Daniel O. Trainer ; traducido del inglés por José María Tarazona Vilas . Zaragoza : Acribia, D.L. 1972 | |
BB | Erritzoe, j.. The birds of Cites and how to identify them / J. Erritzoe, H. B. Erritzoe Cambridge :Lutterworth Press, 1993 | |
BB | Espacios naturales protegidos de España / [textos, Alberto Ruiz de Larramendi... (et al.)] . Madrid : Incafo, D.L. 1992 | |
BB | Genética / Anthony J. F. Griffiths ... [et al.] . 9ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España, cop. 2008 | |
BB | Gibier faune sauvage Paris : Office national de la chasse, 1984-1999 [Publicación periódica] | |
BB | Infectious diseases of wild mammals and birds in Europe / edited by Dolores Gavier-Widén, J. Paul Duff, Anna Meredith . Chichester, England ; Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 | |
BB | Manual técnico de manejo para los Centros de Rescate y Rehabilitación para Fauna Silvestre / CITES [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1995 | |
BB | Mckeever, Kay. Care and rehabilitation of injured owls: A user's guide to the medical treatment of raptorial birds, and the housing, release training and captive breeding of native owls / by Kay Mckeever Lincln, Ontario : WF Rannie Publisher, 1979 | |
BB | Molecular biology of the cell / Bruce Alberts ... [et al.] ; with problems by John Wilson, Tim Hunt . - 6th ed. New York : Garland Science, cop. 2015 | |
BB | Molecular ecology. [Oxford] : Blackwell Science, 1992- [Publicación periódica] | |
BB | Natura: la revista de la naturaleza que hay que conservar. Madrid; Barcelona: Orbe, 1983-2009 [Publicación periódica] | |
BB | Nicholas, F.W.. Introducción a la genética veterinaria / F.W. Nicholas ; [traducción a cargo de Alfredo Ruiz Panadero,Arcadio Navarro Cuartiellas, Esther Beltrán Paula] . Zaragoza : Acribia, 1998 | |
BB | Oryx London : Blackwell Scientific, 1950- [Publicación periódica] | |
BB | Panchen, Alec L.. Classification, evolution, and the nature of biology / Alec L. Panchen. - 1st ed. repr. Cambridge [etc.] :Cambridge University Press, 1994 | |
BB | Pankhurst, R. J.. Biological identification :the principles and practice of identification methods in biology / Richard J. Pankhurst London : Edward Arnold, 1978 | |
BB | Primrose, S. B.. Principles of gene manipulation / Sandy Primrose, Richard Twyman, Bob Old . 6th ed. Malden, USA : Blackwell Science, cop. 2001 | |
BB | Quercus: revista de observación, estudio y defensa de la naturaleza . Madrid: Quercus, 1981- [Publicación periódica] | |
BB | Remane, Adolf. Zoología sistemática :clasificación del reino animal /Adolf Remane, Volker Storch, Ulrich Welsch ; traducido por Margarida Costa Barcelona : Omega, cop. 1980 | |
BB | Seminario sobre Perdiz Roja (1.1998.Soria). La perdiz roja /[coordinador, Mario Sáenz de Buruaga Tomillo ; autores, Jesús Nadal García... (et al.)]. 1ª ed. Alcobendas (Madrid) :Grupo Editorial V : FEDENCA, 1998 | |
BB | Smith, Thomas Michael. Ecología / Thomas M. Smith, Robert Leo Smith . 6a. ed. Madrid [etc.] : Pearson Addison-Wesley, D.L. 2010 | |
BB | Stocker, Les. Practical wildlife care / Les Stocker . 2nd ed Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell Publishing, 2005 | |
BB | Synopsis and classification of living organisms / Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief New York : McGraw-Hill, cop. 1982 | |
BB | The diversity of living organisms /edited by R.S.K. Barnes. - [1st pub., repr.] Oxford : Blackwell Science, 2000 | |
BB | The domestic animal/wildlife interface : issues for disease control, conservation, sustainable food production, and emergig diseases /edited by E. Paul J. Gibbs and Bob H. Bokma. New York :The New York Academy of Sciences, 2003 | |
BB | The ecology of wildlife diseases / edited by Peter J. Hudson... [et al.]. [Reprinted with corrections] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004 | |
BB | The evolution of CITES :a reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora / [Willem Wijnstekers]. 9th ed. Budapest :International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC), 2011 | |
BB | The trade in wildlife :regulation for conservation /edited by Sara Oldfield London ; Sterling, VA : Earthscan Publications, 2003 | |
BB | Weir, Bruce S.. Genetic data analysis II : methods for discrete population genetic data / Bruce S. Weir . 2nd ed., [rev. and expanded] Sunderland, Massachusetts : Sinauer Associates, cop. 1996 | |
BB | Zoo & wild animal medicine / [editor] Murray E. Fowler, R. Eric Miller . 5th ed. St. Louis, Missouri : Saunders, cop.2003 | |
BB | Zoo & wild animal medicine, Volume 8 / [editor] R. Eric Miller, Murray E. Fowler. [8th ed. ] St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier Saunders, cop. 2015 |
Arnal Barrera, María Cruz 2 | |
González Esteban, Javier Antonio 1 | |
Herrero Cortés, Juan 1 | |
Lucientes Curdi, Javier 1 | |
Monteagudo Ibáñez, Luis Vicente 1 |