Universidad de Zaragoza

  v. 0.1
Bases teóricas en márketing
Máster Universitario en Dirección, Estrategia y Marketing
Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Zaragoza

Carácter: Obligatoria
Bibliografía validada el: 27/06/2024

LISTADO DE LA BIBLIOGRAFIA: [BB-Bibliografía Básica / BC-Bibliografía Complementaria]

No en los fondos de la BUZ BB Goukens, C., Dewitte, S. & Warlop, L. (2009). Me, myself and my choices: the influence of private self-awareness on choice. “Journal of Marketing Research”, 46(5), 682-692
 @libro - Disponible en formato electrónico


Acceso web [BB] Baker, W. & Sinkula, J. (2005). Environmental marketing strategy and firm performance: effects on new product performance and market share. “Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science”, 33(4), 461-475
Acceso web [BB] Bearden, W. & Hardesty, D. (2009). Consumer behaviour and retailing. “Journal or Retailing”, 85(3)
Acceso web [BB] Dolen, W. M. van, Dhabolkar, P. A. & De Ruyter, K. (2007). Satisfaction with online commercial group chat: the influence of perceived technology attributes, chat group characteristics, and advisor communication style. “Journal of Retailing”, 83(3), 339-358
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Acceso web [BB] Kumar, V. (2015). Evolution of marketing as a discipline: what has happened and what to look out for. “Journal of Marketing”, 79(1), 1-9
Acceso web [BB] Kumar, V., Pozz, I. & Ganesh, J. (2013). Revisiting the satisfaction-loyalty relationship: empirical generalizations and directions for future research. “Journal of Retailing”, 89(3), 246-262
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Acceso web [BB] Roberts, K., Varki, S. & Brodie, R. (2003). Measuring the quality of relationships in consumer services: an empirical study. “European Journal of Marketing”, 37(1/2), 169-196
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Berné Manero, María del Carmen 1
Lucia Palacios, Laura 1
Pérez López, Raúl 1
Polo Redondo, Josefina María Yolanda 1
Sesé Oliván, Francisco Javier 1

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