Universidad de Zaragoza

  v. 0.1
Gobierno corporativo en la empresa: familiar, gerencial y pública
Máster Universitario en Dirección, Estrategia y Marketing
Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Zaragoza

Carácter: Optativa
Bibliografía validada el: 10/06/2024

LISTADO DE LA BIBLIOGRAFIA: [BB-Bibliografía Básica / BC-Bibliografía Complementaria]

Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Anderson, R. & Reeb, D. (2004). Board composition: balancing family influence in S&P 500 Firms. “Administrative Science Quarterly”, 49(2), 209-237
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Campopiano, G., De Massi, A. & Chirico, F. (2014). Firm philantropy in small-and medium-sized family firms: the effects of family involvement in ownership and management.” Family Business Review”, 27(3), 1-15
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Chung, H. M. (2013). The role of family management and family ownership in diversification: The case of family business groups. “Asia Pacific Journal of Management”, 30(3), 871-891
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Chung, H. M. (2013). The role of family management and family ownership in diversification: The case of family business groups. “Asia Pacific Journal of Management”, 30(3), 871-891
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No en los fondos de la BUZ BB Cruz, C., Larraza-Kintana, M., Garcés-Galdeano, L. and Berrone, P. (2014): Are family firms really more socially responsible?. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(6), 1295–1316.
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Daspit, J. J., Chrisman, J. J., Sharma, P., Pearson, A. W. & Long, R. G. (2017). A strategic management perspective of the family firm: Past trends, new insights, and future directions. “Journal of Managerial Issues”, 29(1), 6-29
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Daspit, J. J., Chrisman, J. J., Sharma, P., Pearson, A. W. & Long, R. G. (2017). A strategic management perspective of the family firm: Past trends, new insights, and future directions. “Journal of Managerial Issues”, 29(1), 6-29
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Daspit, J.J., Chrisman, J.J, Sharma, P., Pearson, A.W. & Long, R.G. (2017). “ A strategic management perspective of the family firm: Past trends, new insights, and future directions”. Journal of Managerial Issues, 29(1), 6-29
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Debicky, B. J., Van de Graaff, R. & Sobczak, M. (2017). Socioemotional Wealth and family firm performance: A stakeholder approach. “Journal of Managerial Issues”, Vol. XXIX (1), 52-111
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Demsetz, H. & Lehn, K. (1985). The structure of corporate ownership: causes and consequences. “Journal of Political Economy”, 93(6), 1155-1177
No en los fondos de la BUZ BB Fang, H., Chrisman, J. J., Daspit, J. J., & Madison, K. (2021). Do nonfamily managers enhance family firm performance?. Small business economics, 1-16
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Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB George, R. & Kabir, R. (2012). Heterogeneity in business group and the corporate diversification firm performance relationship. “Journal of Business Research”, 65(3), 412-420
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Hauck, J., Suess-Reyes, J., Beck, S. & Frank, H. (2016). “Measuring socioemotional wealth in family-owned and managed-firms: a validation and short form of FIBER scale”. Journal of Family Business Strategy, Vol. 7(3), 133-148
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Jensen, M. & Mecking, W. (1976). Theory of the firm: managerial behaviour, agency costs and ownership structure. “Journal of Financial Economics”, 3(4), 305-360
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Miliward, R. & Parker, D. M. (1983). Public and private enterprise: comparative behaviour and relative efficiency. En, “Public Sector Economics” (pp. 199-274). London: Longman
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Miller, D., Breton Miller, I. Le., Lester, R. H., Canella, A. A. (2007). Are Family Firms really Superior Performance?. Journal of Corporate Finance, 13(5), 829-858.
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Muñoz, F., Sánchez, M.J. & Suárez, I. (2018). Diversification decisions among family firms: The role of family involvement and generational stage. “Business Research Quarterly”, 21(1), 39-52.
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Newbert, S. & Craig, J. B. (2017). Moving beyond Socioemotional Wealth: Toward a normative theory of decision making in family business. “Family Business Review”, Vol. 30(4), 339-346
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Park, K., & Jang, S.C. (2013). Effects of within-industry diversification and related diversification strategies on performance. “International Journal of Hospitality Management”, 34, 51-60
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Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Praet, A. (2013). Family firms and the divestment decision: An agency perspective. “Journal of Family Business Strategy”, 4, 34-41
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Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Schulze, W.S. & Kellermanns, F.W. (2015). Reifiying Socioemotional Wealth. “Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice”, 39(3), 447-459
Enlace al libro en Alcorze BB Sirmon, D.G. y Hitt, M.A. (2003). Managing resources: Linking unique resources, management, and wealth creation in family firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practices, 27(4), 339-358


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Alonso Nuez, María Jesús 1
Gargallo Castel, Ana Felicitas 1
Hernández Trasobares, Alejandro 2

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