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Anthony, K. H.; Schmidt, E. Defined by design : the surprising power of hidden gender, age, and body bias in everyday products and places. [s. l.]: Prometheus Books, 2017
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Buikema, R.; Plate, L.; Thiele, K. Doing gender in media, art, and culture : a comprehensive guide to gender studies. 2nd ed. [s. l.]: Routledge, 2018
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Monteiro, Mike. Ruined by design : how designers destroyed the world, and what we can do to fix it / Mike Monteiro . San Francisco : Mule Design, cop. 2019
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O'Neil, Cathy. Weapons of math destruction : how big data increases inequality and threatens democracy / Cathy O'Neil . [London] : Penguin Books, 2017
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Radman, A.; Sohn, H. Critical and clinical cartographies : architecture, robotics, medicine, philosophy. [s. l.]: Edinburgh University Press, 2017
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Watson, Mary Ann. Defining visions : television and the American experience in the 20th century / Mary Ann Watson . 2nd ed. Malden (Massachusetts) : Blackwell, [2008]