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[Infraestructuras] - Barroso, Luiz André. The datacenter as a computer : an introduction to the design of warehouse-scale machines / Luiz André Barroso, Urs Hölzle, Jimmy Clidaras . 2nd ed. San Rafael (California, USA) : Morgan and Claypool, 201
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[Servicios] - Morris, Helen. ITIL foundation exam study guide / Helen Morris, Liz Gallacher . Chichester : John Wiley, cop. 2012
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[Servicios] - Tecnología de la información. Gestión del servicio. Parte 2: Directrices para la aplicación del Sistema de Gestión del Servicio(SGS).(UNE-ISO/IEC 20000-2:2015).
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[Servicios] - Tecnologías de la información. Gestión de Servicios. Parte 1: Requisitos del Sistema de Gestión de Servicios(SGS). (UNE-ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018).
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[Software] - Bernardi, Simona. Model-driven dependability assessment of software systems / Simona Bernardi, José Merseguer, Dorina Corina Petriu . Berlin : Springer, cop. 2013
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[Software] - Kan, Stephen H.. Metrics and models in software quality engineering / Stephen H. Kan . 2nd ed., 6th print. Boston : Addison Wesley, 2006