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Frank, Amin Paul. “Translation and translating poetry: the producer’s and the historian’s perspectives”. En: Translation Studies : The State of the Art : Proceedings of the First James S Holmes Symposium on Translation Studies / Edited by Kitty M. van Leuven-Zwart & Ton Naaijkens . Amsterdam ; Atlanta : Rodopi, 1991, p. 115-140
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Jin, Di. Literary translation : quest for artistic integrity / Jin Di . Manchesteer, UK ; Northampton, MA : St. Jerome Pub., 2003
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Munday, Jeremy. Introducing translation studies : theories and applications / Jeremy Munday . - 2nd ed. London [etc.] : Routledge, 2008
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Newmark, Peter. A textbook of translation / Peter Newmark . - [1st ed.] New York [etc.] : Prentice Hall, 1988
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Venuti, Lawrence. The translator's invisibility : A history of translation / Lawrence Venuti . 1st ed., reimp.1999 London : Routledge, 1999 [Chapters 1 and 3]
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Bassnett-McGuire, Susan. Translation studies / Susan Bassnett . ed. rev., reimp. London : Routledge, 1994
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Benjamin, Walter. “The Task of the Translator”. En: Illuminations / Walter Benjamin ; Edited and with an introduction by Hannah Arendt ; Translated by Harry Zohn . New York : Schocken, 1985, p. 69-82
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Díaz Cintas, Jorge. La traducción audiovisual : el subtitulado / Jorge Díaz Cintas . - 1a ed Salamanca : Almar, 2001
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Hatim, Basil. Communication across cultures: translation theory and contrastive text linguistics Basil Hatim Exeter: Exeter University of Exeter Press, 1997
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Landers, Clifford E.. Literary translation : a practical guide / Clifford E. Landers . Clevedon ; Buffalo : Multilingual Matters, [2001]
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Lefevere, André. Translating literature : practice and theory in a comparative literature context / André Lefevere New York : The modern language association of America, 1992
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Linde, Zoé de. The semiotics of subtitling / Zoé de Linde and Neil Kay Manchester : St. Jerome, 1999
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The translation studies reader / edited by Lawrence Venuti . - 1st. publ., repr. London : Routledge, cop. 2004