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Helen Fielding. Bridget Jones's diary : a novel / Helen Fielding . 1st ed. London : Picador, 1996
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Hornby, Albert Sydney. Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English / A. S. Hornby ; Chief editor Sally Wehmeier ; editors Colin McIntosh ; phonetics editor Michael Ashby . - 7th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005
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Oxenden, Clive. New English file. Upper-intermediate. Student's book / Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig . 1st. publ. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008
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Oxenden, Clive. New English file. Upper-intermediate. Workbook / Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig with Jane Hudson . 1st. publ. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008
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Salinger, J. D.. The catcher in the rye / J.D. Salinger . London [etc.] : Penguin, 1994
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The BBI dictionary of English word combinations / compiled by Morton Benson, Evelyn Benson, Robert Ilson . - Rev. ed. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, cop. 1997
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Townsend, Sue. The Queen and I / Sue Townsend ; with a foreword by Jo Brand . Reissued with a new foreword London : Penguin Books, 2012
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Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use : a Self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers / Raymond Murphy . - 1ª ed., 11ª reimp. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990
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Smith, Collin. Collins diccionario inglés = Collins Spanish dictionary / [general editor, Jeremy Butterfield ; contributors, Tom Bartlett ... [et al.]]. 7ª ed. = 7th ed. Barcelona : Grijalbo ; Glasgow : Harper Collins Publishers, 2003
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Swan, Michael. Practical English usage / Michael Swan . - [1st ed.], 16th imp. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1988
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Thomson, A. J.. A practical English grammar / A. J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet . - 4th ed., 10th impr. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1990