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Bixby, Jennifer. Skillful : reading & writing, level 3 / authors, Jennifer Bixby & Jaimie Scanlon. London : Macmillan Education, 2013
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Boyle, Mike. Skillful listening & speaking : level 3 : Student's book / Mike Boyle & Ellen Kisslinger . London : Macmillan Education, 2013
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HARMER, J. The practice of English language teaching. 4th ed., 8th imp. [s. l.]: Longman, 2007. ISBN 9781405853118.
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Kisslinger, Ellen. Skillful 3. Listening & Speaking : Student's book pack / authors, Ellen Kisslinger and Lida Baker ; series consultant, Dorothy E. Zemach . 2nd ed. London : Macmillan Education, 2018
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Kisslinger, Ellen. Skillful 3. Reading & Writing : Student's book pack / authors, Louis Rogers & Dorothy E. Zemach ; series consultant, Dorothy E. Zemach . 2nd ed. London : Macmillan Education, 2018
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REDMAN, S.; EDWARDS, L. English vocabulary in use : pre-intermediate and intermediate, With answers and CDROM. 1st ed., 7th print. [s. l.]: Cambridge University Press, 2015. ISBN 9780521149891.
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VINCE, M. Intermediate language practice : [with key] : English grammar and vocabulary. 3rd ed. [s. l.]: Macmillan Education, 2010. ISBN 9780230726994.
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