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Bausbacher, Ed. Process plant layout and piping design / Ed Bausbacher, Roger Hunt Upper Sadle River, New Jersey : Prentice Hall, cop. 199
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Benedict, Robert P.. Fundamentals of pipe flow / Robert P. Benedict New York [etc.] : John Wiley & Sons, cop. 1980
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Creus Solé, Antonio : Instrumentación industrial / Antonio Creus Solé . - 8ª ed. Barcelona : Marcombo, 2011
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Fitzgerald, Bill. Control valves for the chemical process industries / Bill Fitzgerald New York [etc.] ; McGraw-Hill, cop. 1995
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Flujo de fluidos en válvulas, accesorios y tuberías / preparado por la división de Ingeniería de CRANE ; traducción, VALFISA ; revisión técnica, Clemente Reza García México [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, imp. 1987
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García Gutierrez, Luis. Válvulas de control / Luis García Gutierrez Madrid : AENOR, D.L. 1999
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Martín Hernández, Bernardo. Manual de tuberías / Bernardo Martín Fernández Bilbao : El Autor, D.L.1994
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Mateos de Vicente, Manuel. Válvulas de retención y otras válvulas afines / por Manuel Mateos de Vicente . - 2ª ed. amp. y en color Madrid : Bellisco, 2008
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Mendiluce Rosich, Enrique. El golpe de ariete en impulsiones / Enrique Mendiluce Rosich . - 2ª ed. revisada y actualizada Madrid : Librería Editorial Bellisco, 1987
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Ollero de Castro, Pedro. Control e instrumentación de procesos químicos / Pedro Ollero de Castro, Eduardo Fernández Camacho Madrid : Síntesis, D. L. 1997
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Parmakian, John. Waterhammer analysis / John Waterhammer New York [etc.]: Dover Publications, 1963
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Piping design handbook / edited by John J. McKetta New York : Marcel Dekker, cop. 1992
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Rase, Howard F.. Diseño de tuberías para plantas de proceso / Howard F. Rase Madrid [etc.] : Blume, 1973
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Sandler, Henry J.. Practical process engineering : a working approach to plant design / Henry J. Sandler, Edward T. Luckiewicz New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, cop. 1987
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Soares, Claire. Process engineering equipment handbook / Claire Soares New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, cop. 2002
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The Chemical engineering guide to valves / edited by Richard W. Greene and the Staff of Chemical Engineering New York : McGraw-Hill : Chemical Engineering, 1984
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Wylie, E. Benjamin. Fluid transients in systems / by E. Benjamin Wylie and Victor L. Streeter ; with Lisheng Suo Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall, cop.1993
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Zappe, R. W.. Valve selection handbook : engineering fundamentals for selecting the right valve design for every industrial flow application / by Peter Smith (editor and contributor) and R.W. Zappe . - 5th ed. Amsterdam [etc.] : Gulf Professional, cop. 2004